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Via operator theoretic methods, we formalize the concentration phenomenon for a given observable `$r$' of a discrete time Markov chain with `$\mu_{\pi}$' as invariant ergodic measure, possibly having support on an unbounded state space. The main contribution of this paper is circumventing tedious probabilistic methods with a study of a composition of the Markov transition operator $P$ followed by a multiplication operator defined by $e^{r}$. It turns out that even if the observable/ reward function is unbounded, but for some for some $q>2$, $\|e^{r}\|_{q \rightarrow 2} \propto \exp\big(\mu_{\pi}(r) +\frac{2q}{q-2}\big) $ and $P$ is hyperbounded with norm control $\|P\|_{2 \rightarrow q }< e^{\frac{1}{2}[\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{q}]}$, sharp non-asymptotic concentration bounds follow. \emph{Transport-entropy} inequality ensures the aforementioned upper bound on multiplication operator for all $q>2$. The role of \emph{reversibility} in concentration phenomenon is demystified. These results are particularly useful for the reinforcement learning and controls communities as they allow for concentration inequalities w.r.t standard unbounded obersvables/reward functions where exact knowledge of the system is not available, let alone the reversibility of stationary measure.
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Recent works have shown that unstructured text (documents) from online sources can serve as useful auxiliary information for zero-shot image classification. However, these methods require access to a high-quality source like Wikipedia and are limited to a single source of information. Large Language Models (LLM) trained on web-scale text show impressive abilities to repurpose their learned knowledge for a multitude of tasks. In this work, we provide a novel perspective on using an LLM to provide text supervision for a zero-shot image classification model. The LLM is provided with a few text descriptions from different annotators as examples. The LLM is conditioned on these examples to generate multiple text descriptions for each class(referred to as views). Our proposed model, I2MVFormer, learns multi-view semantic embeddings for zero-shot image classification with these class views. We show that each text view of a class provides complementary information allowing a model to learn a highly discriminative class embedding. Moreover, we show that I2MVFormer is better at consuming the multi-view text supervision from LLM compared to baseline models. I2MVFormer establishes a new state-of-the-art on three public benchmark datasets for zero-shot image classification with unsupervised semantic embeddings.
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近年来,社交媒体已成长为许多在线用户的主要信息来源。这引起了错误信息通过深击的传播。 Deepfakes是视频或图像,代替一个人面对另一个计算机生成的面孔,通常是社会上更知名的人。随着技术的最新进展,技术经验很少的人可以产生这些视频。这使他们能够模仿社会中的权力人物,例如总统或名人,从而产生了传播错误信息和其他对深击的邪恶用途的潜在危险。为了应对这种在线威胁,研究人员开发了旨在检测​​深击的模型。这项研究着眼于各种深层检测模型,这些模型使用深度学习算法来应对这种迫在眉睫的威胁。这项调查着重于提供深层检测模型的当前状态的全面概述,以及许多研究人员采取的独特方法来解决此问题。在本文中,将对未来工作的好处,局限性和建议进行彻底讨论。
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We study the concentration phenomenon for discrete-time random dynamical systems with an unbounded state space. We develop a heuristic approach towards obtaining exponential concentration inequalities for dynamical systems using an entirely functional analytic framework. We also show that existence of exponential-type Lyapunov function, compared to the purely deterministic setting, not only implies stability but also exponential concentration inequalities for sampling from the stationary distribution, via \emph{transport-entropy inequality} (T-E). These results have significant impact in \emph{reinforcement learning} (RL) and \emph{controls}, leading to exponential concentration inequalities even for unbounded observables, while neither assuming reversibility nor exact knowledge of random dynamical system (assumptions at heart of concentration inequalities in statistical mechanics and Markov diffusion processes).
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未来几年物联网设备计数的预期增加促使有效算法的开发,可以帮助其有效管理,同时保持功耗低。在本文中,我们提出了一种智能多通道资源分配算法,用于Loradrl的密集Lora网络,并提供详细的性能评估。我们的结果表明,所提出的算法不仅显着提高了Lorawan的分组传递比(PDR),而且还能够支持移动终端设备(EDS),同时确保较低的功耗,因此增加了网络的寿命和容量。}大多数之前作品侧重于提出改进网络容量的不同MAC协议,即Lorawan,传输前的延迟等。我们展示通过使用Loradrl,我们可以通过Aloha \ TextColor {Black}与Lorasim相比,我们可以实现相同的效率LORA-MAB在将复杂性从EDS移动到网关的同时,因此使EDS更简单和更便宜。此外,我们在大规模的频率干扰攻击下测试Loradrl的性能,并显示其对环境变化的适应性。我们表明,与基于学习的技术相比,Loradrl的输出改善了最先进的技术的性能,从而提高了PR的500多种\%。
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